For many years I used to think education, skills and experience were the most important parts of being a really good financial planner. Lately that opinion has changed…
Now I realise one of the most valuable skills a financial planners can have is the ability to listen. To TRULY LISTEN and to ask leading questions. By taking time to tease out of of people what’s really important to them can make all the difference to their peace of mind.
I recently met a couple to discuss their retirement needs. Based on their ages, and who was working, the best outcome would be provided by Strategy A…BUT then I really listened to the wife. She had been running late for our appointment so had missed the first part of the discussion.
Strategy A is now out the window, because she won’t be able to sleep if there’s debt hanging over their heads when they retire. So we talked about Strategy B & Strategy C, she’s fine with either of those because they cater to her need to be debt free at retirement.
I left their home bearing four home grown avocados and a lemon, knowing they love to travel and that she had been terrified of how they’ll afford to live in retirement, now she knows they’re going to be fine and she’ll be able to sleep at night.
And that’s just part of why I love what I do..!